
Program Overview

This program is designed to attract bright and young minds to the front-line areas of research in physics. Students enrolled in the Integrated Ph.D.(I-Ph.D) program, on successful completion, will be awarded two degrees: a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Physics and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. The entry qualification for this I-Ph.D. program is a bachelor's Degree in physical/mathematical sciences. The I-Ph.D. program will have courses that cover both fundamental and advanced areas of physics and has the aim of training the student to be capable of working in frontier areas of science and technology.

Selection process

Selection will be through JAM. Here is the link to the portal.

Program structure

All students admitted to this program will undergo coursework similar to that typically covered in a high-quality M.Sc. program and coursework of a Ph.D. program. The continuation of the enrolled student in the I-Ph.D. program will be based on the student’s consistent academic performance throughout the program. Students of the I-Ph.D. program will be able to take a number of elective courses that are more focused on their research degree. Several elective courses will be made available to the students to build a strong foundation in the area of his/her research interest.
The students who are admitted to I-PhD program may be allowed to exit the program (if they wish to), as per the following guidelines:
1) Such students are required to intimate about their choice of exit from I-PhD program before the end of first academic year.
2) Student who wants to exit from the I-PhD program are allowed to convert their program to Master of Science (MS) by Research. Student exercising this option will continue with their course work for the second academic year, followed by one year additional research work. These students will have to comply with the norms of MS by Research. Such students will be allotted the research supervisor before the start of second academic year in the same manner as the regular I-PhD student, who will guide him/her for the second and third year research work. Such students will be required to complete their ‘MS by Research’ thesis work.

Fellowship Norms

The fellowship guideline for the students registered in the program will be as per the following:
1) The students joining the I-PhD program would be given the fellowship of Rs 8,000 per month for the first year. The fellowship will be converted to HTRA fellowship (JRF) from the second academic year, subject to the fulfillment of the all requirements such as CGPA, guide allocation, etc. The I-PhD students will be given fellowship for a maximum of 6 years from the date of registration.
2) Students who opt to exit from the program with ‘MS by Research’ will get a fellowship equivalent to the fellowship of MS by Research (which is ₹12,400 per month currently) for the maximum of two more academic years only.
3) Students who have failed to achieve the minimum CGPA at the end of first academic year and are being terminated with MSc degree will not get any fellowship from second year onward.

Course Code Course Name Credits
PH 511 Mathematical Physics 4
PH 512 Classical Mechanics 4
PH 513 Quantum Mechanics 3
PH 514 Electronics 3
PH 515P Physics Laboratory 3
HS-241 Technical Communications 1
PH 516 Research Project I 2
PH 517 Research Project II (Winter) 4

Note: IPhD students should register for a minimum of 17 credits in the third semester. They should complete a total of minimum of 80 credits by the end of Sem IV, but should finish 89 credits by the end of Sem VI.

Syllabus and Detailed Course Curriculum

Course Code Course Name Credits
PH 521 Electromagnetic Theory 4
PH 522 Statistical Mechanics 4
PH 523 Cond. Matter Physics 3
PH 524 Atom. Mol. Physics 3
PH 621 Comput. Meth. Physics 4
PH 526 Research Project III 3
PH 527 Research Project IV (Summer) 3
Discipline Elective 3

Note: IPhD students should register for a minimum of 17 credits in the third semester. They should complete a total of minimum of 80 credits by the end of Sem IV, but should finish 89 credits by the end of Sem VI.

Syllabus and Detailed Course Curriculum

Course Code Course Name Credits
PH 525P Electronics Lab. Pract. 3
PH 614 Seminar and Report 2
PH 613 Spe. Topics. in QM 3
PH 615P Mini Thesis-I 3
Discipline Elective 3
Discipline Elective 3
Discipline/Free Elective 3

Note: IPhD students should register for a minimum of 17 credits in the third semester. They should complete a total of minimum of 80 credits by the end of Sem IV, but should finish 89 credits by the end of Sem VI.

Syllabus and Detailed Course Curriculum

Course Code Course Name Credits
PH 611P Exp. Res. Techniques 4
PH 622 Mini Thesis – II 8
Discipline Elective 3
Discipline Elective 3

Note: IPhD students should register for a minimum of 17 credits in the third semester. They should complete a total of minimum of 80 credits by the end of Sem IV, but should finish 89 credits by the end of Sem VI.

Syllabus and Detailed Course Curriculum